Join me at INTERACTION 20 in Milan to discuss the future of design

Join me in Milan at Interaction 20 on February 7th, 2020 to discuss how generative design paired with infinite compute power will change not only the way we design but also what designers need to be good at moving forward.

Generative design where algorithms and curation evaluate not only a couple of designs options but thousands of solutions in real time paired with infinite compute power of virtual infrastructure opens the door to a completely new world of how we design and what designers are being asked to do moving forward.

Generative design where algorithms and curation evaluate not only a couple of designs options but thousands of solutions in real time paired with infinite compute power of virtual infrastructure opens the door to a completely new world of how we design and what designers are being asked to do moving forward.

As we approach the world of total cloud infrastructure it is possible for designers to acquire infinite compute power in the cloud and create their own data center in the cloud for rendering, computation and simulation.

The barrier to entry are disappearing for rendering movies, animations, complex 3D illustration. Generative design enables not only to create a few options for design but thousands in real time through acquiring invite compute, storage and networking power in the cloud.

This talk evaluates the impact on design and designers of those infrastructure and paradigm shifts.